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» Hola soy nuevo
Drop de Forgottens Skills / Zonas de Caza EmptyVie Abr 19, 2013 2:01 am por humanfoos

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Mensaje por Admin Sáb Abr 06, 2013 1:55 am

Estas son las zonas donde se dropean los forgos de skills :

This book was removed from monster drop in H5.
Shadai, Hellbound Oasis, 12M adena + 259 Ancient Book of the Demon

Magicians Will
Guardian Waterspirit, Field of Whishpers, 0.05% - 0.1%
Mucrokian Savior, Field of Whispers/Silence, 0.05% - 0.1%
Mucrokian Preacher, Field of Whispers/Silence, 0.05% - 0.1%
Awakened Mucrokian, Field of Whispers/Silence, 0.1% - 0.5%
Beleth, Steel Citadel, 18.66% - 22.66%

Divinity Manager, Monastery of Silence, 0.1% - 0.5%

Servitor Barrier
This book was removed from monster drop in H5.
Shadai, Hellbound Oasis, 12M adena + 259 Ancient Book of the Demon

Mutual Response
Kirklan, Base Aliance (Gracia), 200 The kernel of the liberated soul, 50 Amulet Dragon, 12M adena. (i like this book in 81 epic quest)

Excessive Loyalty
Divinity Worshipper, Monastery of Silence, 0.1% - 0.5%

Turn to Stone
Kirklan, Base Aliance (Gracia), 200 The kernel of the liberated soul, 50 Amulet Dragon, 12M adena. (i like this book in 81 epic quest)

Fighters Will
Sel Mahum Escort Guard, Seal Mahum Training School, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (1), Seal Mahum Training School, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (2), Seal Mahum Training School, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (3), Seal Mahum Training School, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Training Officer, Seal Mahum Training School, 0.01% - 0.05%
Young Grendel, Beast Farm, 0.01% - 0.05%
Young Buffalo, Beast Farm, 0.01% - 0.05%
Adult Buffalo, Beast Farm, 0.914% - 1.116%
Adult Grendel, Beast Farm, 0.939% - 1.141%
Beleth, Steel Citadel, 17.49% - 21.49%
Tiat, Seed of Destruction, 35.57% - 43.57%

Archers Will
Tanta Lizardman Soldier, Plains of Lizardmen, 0.01% - 0.05%
Tanta Lizardman Magician, Plains of Lizardmen, 0.01% - 0.05%
Beleth, Steel Citadel, 18.82% - 22.82%

Expose Weak Point
Shadai, Hellbound Oasis, 12M adena + 259 Ancient Book of the Demon

Protection of Alignmen
Exterminator, Field of Silence, 0.05% - 0.1%
Contaminated Mucrokian, Field of Silence/Whisphers, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Recruit (3), Sel Mahum Training Fields,
Antharas, Antharas Nest, 29.4% - 42.0%
Valakas, Forge of Gods, 27.6% - 34.8%

Protection of Rune
Adult Kookaburra, beast farm, 0.5% - 1%
Adult Cougar, beast farm, 0.5% - 1%
Suppressor, field of silence, 0.05% - 0.1%
Mucrokian Fanatic, field of silence/whispers, 0.05% - 0.1%
Sel Mahum Soldier (1), Sel Mahum Training Fields, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Soldier (2), Sel Mahum Training Fields, 0.01% - 0.05%
Antharas, Antharas Nest, 40.4% - 48.7%
Valakas, Forge of Gods, 32.6% - 45.1%
[spoil] Sel Mahum Soldier, Sel Mahum Training Fields, 0.5% - 1%

Protection of Elemental
Tiat, Seed of Destruction, 36.80% - 44.80%
Young Kookaburra, beast farm, 0.05% - 0.1%
Young Cougar, beast farm, 0.05% - 0.1%
Mucrokian Ascetic, field of silence/whispers, 0.05% - 0.1%
Sentinel Waterspirit, field of whispers, 0.05% - 0.1%
Tanta Lizardman Warrior, plains of lizardmen, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Recruit (1), Sel Mahum Training Fields, 0.01% - 0.05%
Sel Mahum Recruit (2), Sel Mahum Training Fields, 0.01% - 0.05%
Antharas, Antharas Nest, 28.4% - 36.2%
Valakas, Forge of Gods, 35.1 - 44,3%

y tambien :

Forgotten Scroll - Anti-Magic Armor
Divinity Protector (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Archer's Will
Beleth (Boss lvl 83)
Ekimus (Boss lvl 82)
Scarlet van Halisha (Boss lvl 85)
Tanta Lizardman Magician (lvl 83)
Tanta Lizardman Soldier (lvl 84)
Tarim (Boss lvl 85)
Tiat (Boss lvl 82)

Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Blood Awakening
Crypt Preacher (lvl 72)

Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Combat
Crypt Guard (lvl 70)

Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Critical
Soldier of Ancient Times (lvl 73)

Forgotten Scroll - Chant of Movement
Crypt Guard (lvl 70)

Forgotten Scroll - Combat of Pa'agrio
Crypt Preacher (lvl 72)

Forgotten Scroll - Condition of Pa'agrio
Soldier of Ancient Times (lvl 73)

Forgotten Scroll - Create Item Lv 10
Adult Buffalo (lvl 84)
Adult Cougar (lvl 83)
Adult Grendel (lvl 84)
Adult Kookaburra (lvl 83)

Forgotten Scroll - Critical of Pa'agrio
Tomb Guard (lvl 75)

Forgotten Scroll - Dance of Blade Storm
Seychelles (lvl 81)

Forgotten Scroll - Deflect Magic
Guide Solina (lvl 83)

Forgotten Scroll - Dual Dagger Mastery
Savior Solina (lvl 83)

Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - Healer
Divinity Manager (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Enlightenment - Wizard
Divinity Manager (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Chance
Warrior of Ancient Times (lvl 75)

Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Counter
Warrior of Ancient Times (lvl 75)

Forgotten Scroll - Evasion Haste
Shaman of Ancient Times (lvl 75)

Forgotten Scroll - Excessive Loyalty
Divinity Worshipper (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Expose Weak Point
Divinity Supervisor (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Fighter's Will
Adult Buffalo (lvl 84)
Adult Grendel (lvl 84)
Antharas (Boss lvl 79)
Beleth (Boss lvl 83)
Ekimus (Boss lvl 82)
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (lvl 84)
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (lvl 84)
Sel Mahum Drill Sergeant (lvl 84)
Sel Mahum Escort Guard (lvl 84)
Sel Mahum Training Officer (lvl 84)
Tarim (Boss lvl 85)
Tiat (Boss lvl 82)
Valakas (Boss lvl 85)
Young Buffalo (lvl 84)
Young Grendel (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Final Secret
Divinity Judge (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Hide
Seeker Solina (lvl 83)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Combat
Crypt Guard (lvl 70)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Condition
Soldier of Ancient Times (lvl 73)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Critical Attack
Crypt Preacher (lvl 72)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Magic
Crypt Preacher (lvl 72)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Movement
Soldier of Ancient Times (lvl 73)

Forgotten Scroll - Improve Shield Defense
Crypt Guard (lvl 70)

Forgotten Scroll - Magician's Will
Awakened Mucrokian (lvl 84)
Beleth (Boss lvl 83)
Ekimus (Boss lvl 82)
Guardian Waterspirit (lvl 84)
Mucrokian Preacher (lvl 84)
Mucrokian Savior (lvl 84)
Tarim (Boss lvl 85)
Tiat (Boss lvl 82)
Zaken (Boss lvl 60)

Forgotten Scroll - Meteor
Divinity Judge (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Mutual Response
Divinity Magus (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Alignment
Antharas (Boss lvl 79)
Contaminated Mucrokian (lvl 83)
Ekimus (Boss lvl 82)
Exterminator (lvl 84)
Scarlet van Halisha (Boss lvl 85)
Sel Mahum Recruit (lvl 83)
Valakas (Boss lvl 85)
Zaken (Boss lvl 60)

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Elemental
Antharas (Boss lvl 79)
Mucrokian Ascetic (lvl 83)
Scarlet van Halisha (Boss lvl 85)
Sel Mahum Recruit (lvl 83)
Sel Mahum Recruit (lvl 83)
Sentinel Waterspirit (lvl 83)
Tanta Lizardman Warrior (lvl 83)
Tarim (Boss lvl 85)
Tiat (Boss lvl 82)
Valakas (Boss lvl 85)
Young Cougar (lvl 83)
Young Kookaburra (lvl 83)
Zaken (Boss lvl 60)

Forgotten Scroll - Protection of Rune
Adult Cougar (lvl 83)
Adult Kookaburra (lvl 83)
Antharas (Boss lvl 79)
Beleth (Boss lvl 83)
Mucrokian Fanatic (lvl 83)
Scarlet van Halisha (Boss lvl 85)
Sel Mahum Soldier (lvl 84, drop normal y spoil)
Suppressor (lvl 83)
Valakas (Boss lvl 85)
Zaken (Boss lvl 60)

Forgotten Scroll - Servitor Barrier
Divinity Protector (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Seven Arrow
Ascetic Solina (lvl 83)

Forgotten Scroll - Shadow Step
Shaman of Ancient Times (lvl 75)

Forgotten Scroll - Silent Mind
Disciple Solina (lvl 83)
Divinity Supervisor (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Sixth Sense
Divinity Fighter (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Song of Windstorm
Kleopora (lvl 80)

Forgotten Scroll - Star Fall
Divinity Magus (lvl 84)

Forgotten Scroll - Turn Stone
Divinity Worshipper (lvl 84)

Mensajes : 38
Fecha de inscripción : 04/04/2013

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